Sedation Dentistry

Tampa, Florida

At Reef Kids Dental, we understand that some children feel anxious about getting the dental care they need. That’s why we offer pediatric sedation dentistry, a safe and effective option for managing dental anxiety. We’re all about ensuring your child is comfortable and relaxed in the dentist’s chair.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the practice of administering medication to help your child feel relaxed and calm during dental procedures. At Reef Kids Dental, we offer different types of sedation, including nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and intravenous (IV) sedation. We will also administer dental anesthesia to help ensure your child’s dental care is as comfortable as possible.

Please note that not every child is a candidate for each method of sedation. Moderate to deep sedation may require consultations with your pediatrician to help ensure safety. Every child is unique and will be evaluated on a personalized basis.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Also known as laughing gas or giggle gas, nitrous oxide is a mild inhaled sedative. It can help make children receiving dental treatment more at ease, as well as decreasing uncomfortable stimuli. Nitrous oxide sedation involves breathing a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen through a mask placed on the nose. Most kids feel relaxed but don’t usually fall asleep. Once the procedure is over and we remove the mask, the effects of the nitrous oxide wear off right away, allowing your child to resume normal activities.

Oral Sedation

Oral conscious sedation involves taking an oral sedative. It can range from mild to moderate sedation based on the type of medication and its dosage. Your child may feel sleepy but will remain conscious and responsive to commands. It may take some time for the effects of oral sedation to wear off, so your child will need some rest after the procedure. One added benefit is that oral sedation helps kids not remember the dental work completed.

IV Sedation

We work with a team of highly experienced pediatric anesthesiologists who administer the sedative medications through an IV. Your little one will immediately feel the effects of sedation and will be completely relaxed. While under the care of a pediatric anesthesiology team, your child will be asleep and won't remember any of the time under IV dental sedation.

Who Is a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Candidates for sedation dentistry include the following:

  • Children with severe dental anxiety
  • Children who need complex or extensive dental work
  • Children with special medical, behavioral, emotional, or physical needs
  • Children unable to cooperate during dental treatment
  • Children with an extreme gag reflex
  • Children who can’t sit still for too long

What Are the Benefits of Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry offers many benefits, including the following:

  • Helps create a sense of calm for a stress-free dental experience
  • Dulls the sensation of pain, allowing for more comfortable care
  • Allows for more procedures to be completed in one visit
  • Reduces the fear of future dental treatments

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Sedation dentistry is considered safe and effective when administered by an experienced team of dental professionals. Before administering any form of sedation, our team will review your child's medical history and go over any current medications. We will evaluate your child's needs to determine the ideal form of sedation.

Reef Kids Dental is outfitted with the latest monitoring tools and equipment. We will closely monitor your child throughout the procedure for maximum safety. Your child’s safety and well-being are our topmost priorities.

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Sedation Dentistry Near Me in Tampa, FL

If you would like to learn more about our sedation dentistry options for anxiety-free dental care, visit Reef Kids Dental today! Our experienced pediatric dentist and kid-friendly team are committed to ensuring our young patients enjoy outstanding, gentle care.

Are you ready to get started? Call our office at (813) 845-8722 to schedule your appointment or request one online today. We look forward to caring for your child's smile!

Request Your Child's Appointment

Our pediatric dental office is redefining kids’ dentistry by creating positive experiences for every child, every time. Request your child’s appointment to experience the Reef Kids Dental difference!